About Us

Founded by recognized professionals and embellished with an eco-system of thought leaders and experts from various infra sectors, The Infravision Foundation stands for upholding the impartial, enlightened and respected voice of reason.

We are an independent think-tank in shaping and evaluating India’s public policy in infra, particularly in the sectors of transportation, energy, water & sanitation, urban planning, rural & agri infra and health infra.


To champion appropriate infrastructural development initiatives for economic prosperity.


To contribute thought leadership in helping shape and evaluate infrastructure-related public policies and programmes

We aim to be a hub for exchange of knowledge and research, and a policy advisory which provides independent analyses and participates in conversations on infrastructure-related issues, evaluates programs and shares solutions in related investments and capacity building, especially in the area of Public Private Partnerships (PPP).


The need

The Infravision Foundation is set up to potentially act as a lighthouse in the infra sector, providing illumination, navigation and support to infrastructure ventures, funders needing to assess strengths and viabilities, and policy makers focusing on the macro-view of impact. One
of the few of its kind, it is designed to study policy, analyse shortcomings and suggest changes. Governance is a complex task and not all courses of action can be flawless.


Founded by recognized professionals and embellished with an eco-system of thought leaders and experts from various infra sectors, The Infravision Foundation stands for upholding the impartial, enlightened and respected voice of reason. We are an independent think-tank in shaping and evaluating India’s public policy in infra, particularly in the sectors of transportation, energy, water & sanitation, urban planning, rural & agri infra and health infra.


We aim to be a hub for exchange of knowledge and research, and a policy advisory which provides independent analyses and participates in conversations on infrastructure-related issues, evaluates programmes and shares solutions in related investments and capacity building, especially in the area of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Our research papers are designed keeping in mind the solution needed to a particular problem to maximise the effect.

What We Do


Research in the infrastructure sector would involve investigations across three dimensions in time – past, present and future. For the past, research would enable unveiling the successes and failures of plans, policies and programmes, and the learnings from the experiences. For the present, research would focus on the impediments and obstacles vis-à-vis ongoing activities and suggest remedial measures. For the future, research would focus on emergent technologies and processes available for practical implementation across sectors.


Practical knowledge on experiences and best practices rests with different players in the infrastructure chain viz. Consultants, Developers, Contractors, Lawyers, Financiers, O&M Operators, NGOs, Regulators, Bureaucracy and Think-tanks. This would encompass both domestic and international players. The knowledge data-bank resident in TIF and various experts associated with TIF should be such that it can be easily accessed to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of different sectors and the interplays within and without.


Capacity building

This would embrace the set of instrumentalities for knowledge-sharing and training to raise the bar in the management of various public and private utilities and their governance. Various capacity building programmes would be targeted at Civil Servants overseeing infra projects, Managers running utilities and Developers of infrastructure projects. The effort will be to specifically target budding managers and young civil servants concomitant with developing strong industry-academia linkages.

People At Infravision Foundation

The Infravision Foundation trustees, council of advisors and distinguished fellows are men and women of outstanding ability and unquestionable integrity. The crack team at the foundation executes their vision and gives their ideas shape and form.